The Plastic Problem – Our Dependence to Drowning in it..

It’s not my problem, It’s not your problem… It’s our problem!
Anything out of moderation is sure to become hazardous to the society eventually. Like a ticking bomb waiting to go off. It’s not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. So thus comes the issue of PLASTIC. It’s gotten out of hand. So much so that the fishes and other life forms in the oceans have been found with plastic products and plastic residue in their stomachs!
With layers of plastics, humans have suffocated the Earth. A body of plastic waste measuring the combined size of 3 countries has been found floating in the oceans. This just shows our apathy to Mother Earth. Is this what we intend to leave behind as our legacy?
The waste is growing by 8 tonnes a year and it is estimated this plastic tide will rise to 80 million metric tonnes a year by 2025. Where does this plastic pollution come from?
Around 80% of the plastic waste comes from land-based sources, with the remainder coming from the shipping and the fishing industry.
Primary sources are waste products from the manufacturing industry
Secondary sources are plastic litter – bottles, food packaging, polyester clothing, fishing lines, etc.
The scariest thing about this is that only 1% of this waste is accounted for. The remainder 99% still eludes to be accounted for.
So are we eating our own plastic waste?
Again, yes. It is estimated that average consumers of seafood ingest around 11,000 pieces of microplastics per year, with over a third of all fish caught in the English Channel containing microplastics. There is increasing concern that this could adversely affect humans – although this is still being studied and debated.
1) Give up plastic bags
2) Skip the straws
3) Pass up the plastic bottles
4) Avoid plastic packaging
5) Recycle what you can
6) Don’t litter
Let’s do our bit and make sure that we tackle the issue at hand! Happy Recycling 🙂
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