Osteoarthrits is a normal part of ageing, Mystery Debunked

Have you ever found yourself perpetuating myths about health only to find out later they were completed wrong? Here’s a short brief on Osteoarthritis.
Arthritis does not discriminate and can affect people of any age, sex or race. This misconception may arise from the fact that degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis (a result of “wear and tear”) is the most common type, and osteoarthritis does occur more frequently as people get older. However, other types, such as inflammatory arthritis can and does affect people of any age.
Now coming to osteoarthritis alone, your odds of having osteoarthritis increases with age — that part is true. But OA is not a “normal” part of ageing, and older people aren’t the only ones who get osteoarthritis. OA occurs when the cartilage that cushions and protects the ends of your bones gradually deteriorate, often from mechanical stress or chemical changes within the body. This allows the bones in a joint, such as your knee, shoulder, or wrist, to rub together, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joint.
Aside from age, other factors that up to your osteoarthritis risk include obesity, a family history of osteoarthritis, a previous joint injury, or repetitive use, abnormal joint structure, certain conditions which deprive the bone of blood supply and some genetic conditions and also excessive use of certain medications.
Another way round is also not true. Osteoarthritis is not an inevitable consequence of growing old. Maintaining an active lifestyle, taking a balanced diet and preventing obesity is your best bet to stave off osteoarthritis in your golden years.
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