Although mousing and keyboarding are not strenuous activities, in the long run, not doing them rightly can result in major wrist pain. With office workers spending an average of 9 hours working on a computer, we have seen the rate of wrist pains rise in computer users.
The most effective thing against any injury is preventing it. Here are some tips for you to avoid any damage to your wrists while continuing your work.
The key is to put your wrist in a position where no pressure is put on them. The posture of your neck, back and your distance from the keyboard, mouse and screen also play an important role.
While using a keyboard, sit upright and adjust your chair so that while using the board, your hands are slightly below the line of your elbow.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and ensure that your hands are folded in your lap. Do not use the arm rest.
Place the mouse right next to your keyboard so you can simply move your arm to reach it, with your elbow not leaving the side of your body.
You can learn to type without putting any pressure on your wrists with practice. Make sure the pressure initially comes on your mid palm instead and the back of your wrist is flat while typing.
Don’t forget to take breaks! 10 seconds of break from typing every 30 mins is all that’s needed.
With right habits, you can prevent any long term damage that you might otherwise cause to your joints, bones and muscles. Live healthy and work stress free!
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