As the pandemic has brought us closer to our homes and families, it has also got us closer to
shoulder, back, and neck pain as well. Increased hours in front of the computer, long use of mobile devices, day-long online meetings, working from the couch or bed, coupled with limited
movements have caused more harm than we can fathom.
Shoulder pain among work-from-professionals, especially the tech. professionals, is becoming increasingly common. While many professionals have begun to use comfort providers such as back rests, and neck supports, many are still unaware of the adverse impacts of poor posture, increased strain, and muscle fatigue.
While you may take proactive steps and move on with busy work from home days, the components of your workstation have a significant impact on your shoulder and back pain.
– Choosing the right desk height is essential for making the desk-bound days easier. Believe it or not, the position of your table can have a significant effect on your form, wellness, and
– Be sure your knees, thighs, and feet fit comfortably under the desk. A desk that has no resting space for your feet can make working difficult and painful. As a quick fix, you can add some
blocks or boards under the desk for your legs to raise its height or choose an appropriate chair.
– Raise or lower your seat so that your forearms are horizontal while your elbows are at your
sides, making a 90-degree angle.
– Also, it is a great idea to sit with your back straight, while giving your feet some extra support
using a footrest or small table.
Techies, taking into account their demanding jobs and work hours, need to take extra care of not
just their shoulders and physical health but also their emotional and mental wellness. Health up
your game by getting good advice and expert guidance. Shoulder responsibilities, without the
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